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Gabions for Bridge Protection System

Date:16-08-09, 02:13 AM

Gabions can be employed in a variety of ways to stabilize soil conditions around bridges, bridge piers and bridge abutment slopes. Generally the angle of the slope to be protected shall determine what structure type is best suited for each application. Slopes with an angle of 1on or steeper require standard gabion retaining wall protection. Slopes with an angle of 1 on 1.5 or less may use a gabion or reno mattress slope protection. 
Main Characteristics of Bridge Protection System Composed of Gabion Retaining Wall:

1. Good adaptablity:adapting to the deformation of the groundwork.

2. High flexibility:not likely to be broken,bearing a large range of deformation without collapsing

3. With both penetratabiliyt and non-penetratability, damage caused by fluid static power is prevented.

4. Anticorrosive and washing-away-resisting, high resistance to natural damage,bad climate,quake and impact.